
成功励志 2020-01-17 网络整理 可可


  苹果公司和该领域其他公司另一个主要区别是:其他公司并不受制于单一的看法。在苹果公司,不管是产品决定还是公司管理,只有史蒂夫 乔布斯的意见最终起决定性作用。这并不适用于每一个人。多数的大公司都有竞争资源和权衡对产品不同观点的竞争议程和领域。而乔布斯的领导风格去掉了这一点。以下是小编为大家整理的关于苹果公司成功的秘籍,欢迎阅读!


  Apple's lead, while not insurmountable, can be attributed to a few things, including a lineup of products that is broad yet connected, a meticulously controlled retail experience, and a very particular brand of leadership at the top. It's not just notoriously good customer service, said David VanAmburg, managing editor of the ACSI, though that helps.

  虽然并不是不可逾越,但苹果的领先归功于一些因素,包括广泛而相互联系的产品阵容,精心控制的零售经验和特别的高层领导品牌。ACSI总编辑David VanAmburg指出,虽然众所周知的良好客户服务有其成功所帮助,但不只于此。

  "I think it's a commitment to innovating and integrating products. Apple is still somewhat uniquely positioned with Macs, the iPad, iPhone, and the iPod," he said. "There's a plethora of IT products that have been integrated together easily, and Apple has been able to capture 'IT' writ large, rather than just personal computers."

  “我认为苹果致力于创新和集成产品的开发。苹果与Macs,iPad,iPhone和iPod的定位仍然有点独特。” 他说,“市场上容易组装的IT产品供过于求。苹果能够占据IT行业的大部分,而不仅仅是个人电脑。”

  That is to say Apple, in comparison to its competitors making PCs, has an ecosystem of hardware connected by its own software, iOS, iTunes, and Mac OS X. Apple has total control over its products and has been able to branch out to other types of devices beyond desktops and laptops. PC makers are somewhat beholden to the product cycles of Microsoft and are seen as just that, PC makers--not consumer device makers.

  也就是说,与制造PC的竞争对手相比,苹果有由自己的软件、iOS、iTunes和Mac OS X连接的硬件生态系统。苹果能完全控制其产品,并能拓展到台式机和笔记本之外的其他类型的设备。PC制造商都有点受制于微软的产品循环,而且只被看做PC制造商,而不是消费设备制造商。

  So why aren't they copying Apple? HP actually is beginning to take steps in this direction. By buying Palm, it's looking to integrate mobile devices like phones and tablets into its larger ecosystem of laptops and printers. But other large PC makers like Dell and Acer are not there yet.


  "It's taken a long time for other manufacturers to see the benefits that Apple is getting from this," VanAmburg said. "We may be seeing it a bit with HP going out and grabbing Palm, getting into the handheld business and integrating (WebOS) within its systems."

  “要其他生产商看到苹果从中获得的利润还需要很长时间。” VanAmburg说,“我们也许看到惠普正在走出去,利用Palm进入掌上手机业务,并在其系统内部整合WebOS."

  "There is some movement in the industry now beyond Apple to grow past this thinking of the PC per se, but I think the industry has been slower to do it," he added. "But there's a reluctance to go down that route."


  Face time with people and products


  Apple Stores are the best example of what makes it different from its peers and are illustrative of the company's approach.


  The retail stores are one of the most important ways people interact with Apple. Not just for those who are already customers but potential customers--sometimes more than 50 million customers tromp through Apple's doors every three months, and half of them who make purchases are first-timers, according to Apple.


  There are 300 Apple stores worldwide right now, mostly in the U.S., but growing in major world capitals, like London, Paris, and Shanghai. Everything about the store is intended to represent what it is like to own and use an Apple product: Apple controls the whole experience, from the limited range of products on the shelves, to the training of the young, intentionally geeky/hip employees, to the manner in which some stores are designed with architectural flourishes normally reserved for museums, to the tech support received at the Genius Bar, to the educational classes offered in stores for using Apple products.


  PC companies have dabbled in retail with varying results. Microsoft's current experiment in retail--which borrows from Apple's retail look and feel--is still small: four stores right now, with a few more planned. Dell's foray was brief, and Gateway did well for a number of years until calling it quits before eventually being sold to Acer.


  Retail stores are expensive to maintain, but it can define a company's brand and dictate how customers interact with a company. Apple takes that task on itself, in addition to selling its products online and through some third-party retailers. PC makers either rely on the direct approach on the Web or trust a salesperson to properly present their product at Best Buy, Fry's, MicroCenter and others, or just leave it up to the consumer wandering the aisles at Wal-Mart or Costco.

  零售店的维护花费巨大,但它可以明确一个公司的品牌,并决定消费者如何与公司进行交流。除了网上销售产品并通过第三方零售商销售产品,苹果公司也自己销售产品。PC制造商要么依赖于网上直销或信赖一位销售人员,让其把他们的产品适当的展现在Best Buy、Fry's、MicroCenter等网站上,要么让消费者在逛沃尔玛或好市多时自己决定。

  Putting the customer first


  A lot of that "reluctance" to embrace Apple's well-regarded approach to customers that VanAmburg spoke of may come down to the roots of these companies. Some are much more technically oriented than customer oriented, which has a sizable effect on how they prioritize, said Ira Kalb, clinical marketing professor at the USC Marshall School of Business.

  许多公司不愿意采纳VanAmburg提到的苹果公司广受关注的对待客户的方式,这可能归宿到这些公司的根基。南加州大学马歇尔商学院临床营销学教授艾拉 卡尔布说,一些公司是技术指向型,而非顾客指向型,这对他们优先处理问题有相当大的影响。

  Apple was able to save face with customers by giving away free cases to iPhone 4 owners after complaints arose regarding its antenna.

  在iPhone 4 用户抱怨手机天线之后,苹果公司能够通过免费赠送手机盒子来挽回面子。


  Hardware manufacturers liberally take cues from Apple products, so why not its approach to customers?


  For the seventh straight year, Apple has topped its competitors in the PC industry in the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), achieving a score of 86 out of 100. Its Apple's highest ranking since the annual survey began in 1995.


  But the real story is how much further ahead of its peers Apple is in this area: most of the rest of the field (Acer, Dell, HP, and others) is tied with a score of 77, while HP's Compaq brand is ranked 74. All of the PC makers improved their scores this year, but it didn't help them collectively avoid sinking further behind Apple. The Mac maker's nine-point lead is now the largest lead any company has over its competition in any of the 45 categories that the ACSI study surveys--including home appliances, gas stations, autos, e-commerce, airlines, and more.


  The Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City is one of the company's flagship stores in terms of both customer traffic and architecture and design.



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