
成功励志 2020-02-21 网络整理 可可




  it is not an uncommon phenomenon that many people become successful without a formal college education, some typical examples of which are bill gates, chairman of microsoft; li jiacheng, a hong kong billionaire and hua luogeng, a world-class mathematician. this leads some people to believe that a person can achieve great success without a formal education and that the qualifications a successful person needs cannot be acquired through the study in university or other institutions of similar nature. it cannot be denied that there do exist such examples in every country; however, i can hardly share the above point of view for several reasons

  in the first place, a college or university is a specialized institution of higher learning where people can receive systematic and scientific training in a certain field, which paves the way for their future career. with the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, a man without a sound academic background can hardly accomplish anything. only in universities and other institutions of higher learning can he/she master the professional knowledge and relevant skills essential to his/her career.

  secondly, it is wise to learn at another man's cost. we can benifit much from the invaluable experience and knowledge handed down from our ancestors and draw a lesson from the failure of our predecessors so as to avoid detour.

  thirdly, when in university, one also has to learn to communicate and cooperate with teachers and fellow students, during which one cultivates friendship and acquires the interpersonal skills, both of which are conductive to one's future career and success. university is said to be a miniature society.

  last of all, there are innumerable successful people who attribute their achievements to a formal university education. it is no wonder that so many parents spare no efforts to send their children to colleges and universities.

  from what i have mentioned above, it is obvious that we can acquire the qualifications and qualities essential to our future career and success through university education. the systematic knowledge and solid academic foundation will make it easy for us to understand and absorb new-developed theories based on previous research efforts; with the social skills we acquire in such a miniature society as university, we will not have to waste much time learning how to handle human relationship. compared with those without formal university education, university graduates have already gained an upper hand at the very beginning of building their own career.


  Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one's future success. Different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making success.


  Some people insist on that college education is essential to one's future success. It has a great influence on people's life, since most of knowledge and skills come from college education, and these are major important elements for success. But others think there are not relationship between college education and one's future success. Just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, they all have dropped out and got great achievement in the future. Moreover, some valuable experience can't be learned in college. Therefore, they argue that college education is essential to one's future success.


  Personally, college education is quite vital. It greatly determines one's future success.



  China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority to the development of culture, science and especially education.

  In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation 's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force, namely those who have been well educated.

  In a developing country such as China, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial for China to catch up with the developed nations in today's surging waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.



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