In my life, there are many experiences, such as the stars in my heart. These experiences include a joyful experience, a sad experience, a successful experience, a failed experience. It makes us grow, we grow up. Let me show you one of my success today!
The school each semester will be held in the spring outing, we cook their own food in the wild, exercise our ability, let us know can not rely on their parents.
Our class is divided into seven groups, our group is very cohesive, pot, bowl, seasoning, everything is brought together.
On Friday morning, we set out from school. Spring is the time along the way, birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers, everyone singing and laughing. We went to the end point imperceptibly, Ben Park station.
After a road walk, everyone was exhausted, have come up with their own prepared food and tableware, set up local stove, ready to fire. At the beginning of the fire, we have no experience, get smoky, half cooked rice did not. At this time, the teacher to guide us: "you burn the leaves are too wet, so only smoke without fire." We rushed out to pick up the branches of the students, the fire and then up again, we put the noodles into the pot, boiled up.
"Oh, I have a meal." Look at the pot called the students. I do not know who shouted: "strange voice or an affected manner then the fire is screwed down?" I retorted: "this is not a gas stove, how screwed?" "ha ha ha" laughter filled the whole team.
Ben park is filled with food aroma, full of laughter of the students.
"Dinner", we are holding a bowl, go to the next to the stove, ate the noodles, although paste, but is the best in the world to eat but also delicious delicacy. Because these noodles include our hard sweat and wisdom. We put the noodles taste to the teacher, the teacher said we do delicious noodles, our heart.
After the success of the picnic, I understand the "do it yourself, have ample food and clothing", only rely on their own efforts, can harvest the fruits of victory. I have to learn to do their own work, to get rid of anything on their parents' bad habits.
An extremely bright pearl, must be subjected to mussel flesh countless movements and polished countless waves to glorious and resplendent. Similarly, a truly successful person, certainly in the numerous times after the fall of the stand up again, "how can we see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed." And I had an experience like this.
At that time, when I was in the fourth grade, the library held to celebrate the "61" children's theatrical performances and we hosted acting class program is a play, the teacher put me into the lead, I was stupid, because I have never played drama, did not show the small animal, heart an unsettled state of mind.. But see Geng teacher threw me a vision of trust, and take the initiative to help me analyze the script, I finally found a little bit of confidence. Then figure out on your own. I was playing a majestic-looking big tiger, because of its supercilious and self-conceited, big bully, not brains, and finally he was clever little animal to uniform. Back home, I looked at the Internet on the tiger's knowledge, as well as the tiger's demeanor, walking posture, habits, etc.. I am a little bit of imitation, legs crawl all the pain, the voice of the dumb, tired of the time to give their own fuel, tell yourself to work hard. The first rehearsal, I put the Internet yesterday, find something are used, but climbing like a sick cat, do not feel a thing, not the tiger down show. After practice and effort repeatedly, we show the final rehearsal by, has been recognized by the teacher, the afternoon began to play, but my heart is still an unsettled state of mind., not enough to grasp, the program will start soon, my mood is very excited, heart just put a rabbit like "bang bang jump. When I got on the stage, I took a deep breath and said in my heart, "I can do it well." I put my heart into the story, I interpret the tiger lifelike. The program is approaching the end, with a burst of music sounded, my tense mood suddenly relaxed, I deeply bowed. The audience burst into a burst of warm applause, a lot of people have voted to my eyes. I got off the stage and shouted to the teacher and mother, "I have succeeded!"
For us personally, wrestling is not terrible, terrible is that you lose the confidence and courage of life from the word. Therefore, each of us should stand up, and fate, and the unfortunate struggle, and finally achieved great success!
我深知求职不是一件容易的事,特别是像我这样来自农村的大专毕业生,要想找一份适合的工作谈何容易。但大学毕业后,我还是打算留在这个城市里,期望用勤奋和汗水谋一份职业。 我在重庆的人才市场到处寻觅,但都没能如愿,不是缺少工作经验,就是觉得行业前景令人失望。营销、服务员、跑业务的工作挺多,但我怕自己不...
史蒂芬·霍金,出生于1942年1月8日,这个时候他的家乡伦敦正笼罩在希特勒的狂轰滥炸中。 霍金和他的妹妹在伦敦附近的几个小镇度过了自己的童年。多年以后,他们的邻居回忆说,当霍金躺在摇篮车中时非常引人注目,他的头显得很大,异于常人——这多半是因为霍金现在的名...
这是原文,央视会客厅的对话: 高燃:你好。 李小萌:可能人们最好奇的是为什么你在你这个年龄,有可能拿到多数同龄人拿不到的物质生活? 高燃:如果说精神生活,我非常认可,我觉得我过着非常多的人没有的精神生活,我每天都很快乐。但是如果要说物质生活,那他们可能要失望,因为我过得、我吃得也跟大家一样...
从前,有个地主去拜访一位部落首领,想向他要块地。首领说,你从这儿向西走,往回走的时候做一个标记,只要你能在太阳落山之前赶回来,从这儿到那个标记之间的地便都是你的了。太阳落山了,贪心的地主没有赶回来,因为他走得太远,累死在路上了。现实生活中有类似的人,他们虽然不贪,但是也走不回来。 有一次,我...
一个长得黑黑的女孩子,坐在一大堆旧鞋当中,她无助地极不情愿地用手抚摸着这些旧鞋,但这是她的工作,她刚想趁机休息会儿,旁边师傅严厉的目光射了过来,她马上反应灵敏地将思维收了回来。 她的工作是负责修鞋,用针扎,然后放在修鞋机上面,用线穿透破烂的地方。这样机械的工作,使得她的神经有些麻木,但为了糊口...
励志感悟 看到这个故事,乃尔我有点伤心。在我小学四年级时,我对画画产生很大的兴趣,那时我常看小人书人,可以把小人书里的人物依书画得像模像样了。 有一天早上,数学试,我做完所有的题目时,还有很多时间。这时突然画兴大发,把试卷反过来,在后面画起了西游记里的人物,正画得起劲,没想到老师走到我身边,他...
中高考很快就要开始了,日前,晚报报邀请了新东方教育科技集团董事长兼总裁俞敏洪,在晚报网络版上视频直播,与网友互动,谈考试与人生成长,为考生们鼓劲加油。 化悲痛为学习动力 问:我是一名高三学生,很快要高考了,但看到四川大地震夺走了很多同龄人的生命,我们很难过。俞老师,你说我们能做点什么...
励志心语 梦想皆有神助!在新世纪里,伊姆雷成为第一们证明人。以后还肯定还有第二位,第三位,就藏在有梦想的人中间。那个人是不是读此故事的你呢? 他是一位匈牙利木材商的儿子,由于从小生得呆笨,人们都喊他“大头”,他也确实名副其实。9岁之前,除了因遵守秩序在学校里获得一枚玩具螺丝之外,并没有获得...
文 宁子 这是她55年来第一次到机场,将要见到真的飞机。之前,她只坐过大巴和火车,都坐得不远,不过是从我和她的家坐到一百公里外她的妈妈家。后来她的妈妈不在了,她再也没有出过门。 所以一到机场,她就一直紧紧跟着我,我办事情放开她手的时候,她就拉住我的衣角--机场太大了,又有诸多出入口和脚步匆忙...
励志感悟:我们不应该对没有得到的而感到失落,环顾四周,比你条件好的没有几个。 有个销售员,生活穷困潦倒,每天都埋怨自己怀才不遇,总是慨叹命运在捉弄他。 圣诞节前夕,家家户户张灯结彩,到处充满佳节的热闹气氛。他坐在公园进门的一张椅子上,开始回顾往事。去年的今天,他也是孤单一人,以醉酒度过他的圣...