
为人处世 2024-05-13 网络整理 可可


  本杰明•富兰克林是美国最受爱戴的国父之一,他拥有智慧的眼睛,随和的个性,与恶习作战,与邻里友好相处。他愿意冒险,敢于思考创新,懂得合理优化时间安排,慢慢促成他成为成功的人士。 以下是小编为大家整理的关于成功的方法 本杰明富兰克林,希望能给大家带来帮助!


  1. He was a creative thinker


  Ben Franklin was definitely not one to think inside the box. He is quoted saying, “to create, we must first identify the problem, then offer the best solution possible.” To mention a few, some of his inventions and discoveries include:


  The Franklin Stove


  The first library




  Lightning rod


  Glass harmonica


  2. He learned how to prioritize his time


  From his daily hourly schedule to rising at 5am every morning, Ben Franklin found ways to maximize his daily productivity. He is quoted saying: “Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.” In other words, make the best use of your time and find ways to prioritize, in order to produce your best work possible.


  3. He was frugal


  Ben Franklin included frugality as one of his 13 virtues. He realized the importance of living debt-free and spending minimally. He is quoted saying, “a penny saved is a penny earned” and “when you run in debt, you give to another power over your liberty.” In order to live a productive life, it is helpful to not be plagued by the stress of debt.


  4. He perfected his public image


  In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin states that he “took care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal, but to avoid all appearances of the contrary.” In the words of Jonathan Yardley, Benjamin Franklin was “a self-created and self-willed man who moved through life at a calculated pace toward calculated ends.” He knew that the opinions of others mattered, and the importance of being able to network.


  5. He was a champion of the common person


  Never identifying with the elite, throughout his life Franklin identified himself as “B. Franklin, printer.” A strong believer in the power of community, he not only organized meetings and founded a library for his fellow citizens, but he also believed that pouring into “the common good” had a divine element. He is quoted stating: “To pour forth benefits to the common good is divine.” In other words, common people can find transcendence in giving back to their own community.


  6. He cultivated productive habits


  Famously known for his 13 virtues, in which he organized a 13-week plan focusing on one of his thirteen virtues of temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility, Benjamin Franklin not only implemented important moral goals, but also found ways to hold himself accountable by marking his own progress. In addition, he formed a time table schedule that had his day planned from the time he rose at 5am until he went to bed at 10pm.


  7. He took risks


  Ben Franklin was by no means a cautious man. Famously known for writing letters in the name of “Silence Goodall” while working at his brother’s printshop, he also ran away to Philadelphia after his brother began to abuse him, ultimately running a successful print store.


  8. He was an early riser


  Famously quoted saying, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” Benjamin Franklin rose at 5am every morning, asking himself the question “what good shall I do today?”


  9. He knew how to network


  Ben Franklin made friends and business connections everywhere he went. Never a shy man, he had a way with people. Walter Isaacson, a biographer, says of Franklin: “he had a happy talent of being at ease in almost any company, from scrappy tradesmen to wealthy merchants…His most notable trait was his personal magnetism.” This personal magnetism was a huge asset to him in both his business and personal endeavors.

  富兰克林无论到哪都能结交到朋友和业务伙伴。他不是怕羞之人,很擅长与人交往。传记作家沃尔特·艾萨克森评价富兰克林说:“他拥有令人愉快的本领,能够和任何人自在相处,不论那人是爱争论的小贩还是富有的商人……他最有魅力的性格就是他的气场。” 这一气场是他个人及业务发展的巨大财富。


  1. Personal Set of Virtues


  The joy of success is rendered hollow if the road to it is paved by vicious acts. In the long run, it always helps to have a personal code of conduct and live by them in the strictest way possible. Franklin had his own list of 13 virtues that he tried to emulate in his daily actions and used to keep track of how well he had been doing so. Not only does it make you a better man, but your work or business is also thrown into a good light.


  2. Well-maintained Daily Routine


  We all know how Benjamin Franklin was skilled in different arts, professions and fields. His achievements in each of them do not arise from a disorderly life. Every hour of his day was carefully planned so as to make the optimum use of time without leaving time for unproductive frivolity. And this is a lesson that every person can do with.


  3. Honing People Skills


  Franklin was a man with a charming tongue and great diplomatic skills – and these are what make for smooth conversations and transactions. If you read his autobiography, you will come across various occasions when this skill helped him out. In fact, it can even help you turn your enemies around and make them your friends instead – according to Franklin.


  4. Say Less, Do More


  One of Benjamin Franklin’s oft-quoted mantra is “Well done is better than well said”. And that applies to every trade, not just politics. There has been many spins on this motto – like “A little less conversation, a little more action please”. All goes down to say that even though you need a silver tongue, it is better to invest your energy in working than flapping your gums about working.

  富兰克林最经典的一句话莫过于“说得好不如做得好”,这不仅在政治上,在贸易上面也同样适用。这句话还有其他类似的版本——比如“少说点,多做事。” 这些都说明口才再好,都抵不过把精力投入到实际行动之中,而不要总是停留在说上。

  5. Never Procrastinate


  Another highly quoted Ben Franklin quote is “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today”. Undoubtedly, one of the best mottos to apply to your work-life is this. Work has a way of piling up and overwhelming you – and if he had given in to procrastination, he would probably not have achieved all that he did.


  6. Pros and Cons List


  If you have never made a pros and cons list to make an important decision, you should start. Whether it is expanding your business, promoting a certain employee or even taking a mortgage – making such a list helps you arrive at a solution faster. And who should be the one to have first brought this into effect but Franklin himself?


  7. Importance of Perseverance


  Entrepreneurial success is more than just luck – it is pure hard work, tenacity and never giving up in face of obstacles. And when Benjamin Franklin said, “Diligence is the mother of good luck”, this is what he meant. An unwavering decision to stick by his work and values led him to become one of the founding fathers of USA – and it can work wonders for everyone.


  8. Seizing Opportunities


  Benjamin Franklin became a pioneer in demographic studies at a time when it was still new. He was anyway making his personal notes on the population growth in the 1740s – and he took the opportunity of a study in the matter. Centuries later, we still remember him for his discoveries. Being an opportunist and making the most of your chances will help you grow professionally by leaps and bounds.


  9. Learning From Mistakes


  Another huge lesson that can be learnt from the American scientist’s life is not to get disheartened about failure before even trying and to make mistakes without apprehension. Only by trying something new with the risk of failure can you also find the path to success. Franklin did that with a number of his scientific discoveries – and this applies to every entrepreneur as well.


  10. Welcoming Change


  The last but not the least relevant lesson to learn from Franklin’s life is acceptance of change. Franklin brought about a colonial unity at a time when individual colonies functioned independently – and this was an important move that went to establish the geopolitical superpower that is USA now. To stick to the old is to regress – adapt yourself to the changing times to steer yourself towards success.


  These are some key attributes that went into building the character of one of America’s founding fathers. Taking a leaf out of his book is almost half the battle won for the entrepreneur striving for success.



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